Monday, May 30, 2011

The Master Plan

  Laura and I hiked down to the dam yesterday in search of the homestead of one Mssr. Molyneaux, one of Camden's early settlers. I read a bit about him in Robinson's "History of Camden and Rockport" and his cabin was supposedly near where the dam is now. Molyneaux himself, an eccentric French aristocrat who had taken to living, hunting, and fishing the wilds in and around lake Megunticook (in which he ultimately drowned), described it as being at the point where the lake empties into the river--where the dam is now. Anyhow, I think we were on the wrong side of the river. There was a foundation, but it was concrete and appeared to have once been an operating structure for the dam.
  I didn't do any metal detecting, but I scraped around in the rubble and found these two great pieces. They are pretty large and as I started to lug them back to the car, Laura said, "You're joking, right? What are you going to do with all these rusty things you are bringing home?"
  "You just have to trust me," I said. "I have a Master Plan. I know it seems crazy now, but it will all make sense in the end."

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